Tuesday, October 18, 2005

hot dog fingers

qfter ,qny hours on the plqne:::

in case you all did not know the keyboards are different over here, we have to hunt and peck to find the letters so this one will be short. i was trying to say that after 14 hours in a plane our fingers are swollen to the size of hot dogs and our feet no longer fit in our shoes. which made wandering, lost, all over paris with heavy backpacks a lot of fun. actually it was fun, especially the part where we stumbled onto the eiffel tower...its so magnificent. we are slowely getting the courage to approach people and try to use some french. we bought a 5 dollar cafe au lait near notre dame while trying to stay warm and figure out the subway. our money may not last as long as we thought. now we are off to visit the bohemian district to find some good french food and walk off our jetlag. love and miss you all.


Blogger Megan and Ben said...

Living vicariously through your blog... keep the entries coming!! Love you guys.

10:05 AM  
Blogger April said...

You like how I made up the "celebrity name" used for Michael and I and came up with Mipril....I did it to make me feel like I'm FAMOUS! Love hearing about your trip, LOVE that you guys are bloated...wish I could see pics of that! ;) ha/ha. Love you both and MUST POST PICTURES.

3:48 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

hmmm, i apparently do not check yahoo enough so i am glad i finally did. i would have been devestated if i had missed any more of this. i can't believe you are actually there. wish that i could say that i was all bloated because i had been on a plane to paris. lucky. can't wait to hear more about your trip! miss you.

3:11 PM  

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